Agency Name Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Santa Cruz County
Categories Children/Youth
Contact Name Cita Rasul
Agency Email
Agency Address 831 Freedom Blvd., Watsonville CA, 95076
Agency Phone P: (831) 761-2956  F: (831)761-2913
Web Address
Facebook & Twitter: @CASASCruz
Instagram: @CASAofSantaCruz
Office Hours Monday-Friday 9am-5pm
Distance from Campus 20.6 miles~ 31 minute drive
Nearest Bus Lines 71 & 79
Mission Statement CASA of Santa Cruz County advocates for children, providing
court-appointed volunteers so each child in the dependency court system feels cared for
and connected with the people, families, and resources they need to heal and flourish
into adulthood.
Volunteer Duties Volunteers are trained by CASA to be advocates for children in
foster care. The volunteers develop a one-on-one relationship with the child and his/her
families or caregivers by spending 2-4 hours a week, for 12-18 months with them.
CASA volunteers also work with attorneys and social workers. They review records,
research information, and talk to anyone involved with the child, including parents,
extended family members, doctors and teachers to give the court informed
recommendations on behalf of the child.

Volunteers must be at least 21 years old.

Updated 3/15/2020